Apomz Best Classroom How to Install Sliding Closet Doors: Quick and Easy Tips

How to Install Sliding Closet Doors: Quick and Easy Tips

There are many different types of closet doors that you can install in your home. One type that is very popular is sliding closet doors. Sliding closet doors are great because they allow for more floor space without taking up any vertical space, which makes them a good choice if you have limited room.

Sliding closet doors when installed, also makes closets look more stylish and modern making it perfect for any room with a modern design. Below we will discuss how to install a sliding door as well as some tips on what to keep in mind while installing one.

Operation and Installation

A sliding closet door functions by having two sets of tracks that run parallel to one another. One set is installed on the inside wall and the other set runs along the floor. The door slides between them, covering up any openings when it is not in use. 

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To install one, you will need some basic hanging tools such as a stud finder, drill, measuring tape or level (if needed), screwdriver, and screws that can match your hardware.

Types and Styles

Sliding closet doors have various slides and styles. Some types have no bottom track wherein the door just slides on the floor. Others have a bottom track that is installed at an angle and has no top guide, which allows for greater ease of use when opening and closing it.

The most popular styles are doors with one or two sets of tracks, but there are also sliding barn-style doors that open in like a ramp from either side. These types can be customized to fit your needs easily as they allow you to choose the width based on what will work best in your space.

Materials You’ll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Sliding closet door set
  • Manual Phillips screwdriver
  • Indelible marker
  • Metal file
  • Hacksaw
  • Cordless drill with set of bits and drivers
  • Pencil
  • Hammer

Tips for Installing Sliding Closet Doors

1. Gather all Materials and Tools

Before you start to install the door, make sure that you have all of your materials and tools. You will need a stud finder as well as screws or nails for installation.

A drill is typically required for track systems with hardware attachment points while a screwdriver can work in most cases. Gathering everything allows you to finish the installation faster. 


2. Closet Preparation

Empty out the closet and clear it of any items that will get in the way. Next, remove existing shelving or racks so you can install a door where they were once positioned as each track is different from each brand of sliding closet door. 

You may need to cut up any boards or paneling if necessary to make room for your new tracks. 

3. Measure the Door

Using a tape measure,  measure the height and width of your doors to make sure they will fit. Measurements may vary depending on what style you are installing, so make sure that you measure before purchasing a door.

There is nothing worse than buying the perfect door then realizing it will not work in your space. Once measured, you can go ahead and purchase one from the store.

4. Cutting the Tracks

You will want to measure the desired length and then mark it with a pencil or marker before cutting on either side of your line with the saw at an angle so that when you install them they run parallel. You may also need to make cuts for any hardware attachments such as hinges if applicable.

5. Install the Upper and Lower Track

Install the upper track first by measuring and marking where you want it then drilling holes into studs that are on either side of your mark. You will need to make sure there is a mounting hole for every stud along the wall so be sure to measure correctly before installing any screws or nails.

Then install the lower track in an appropriate spot on the floor. Again, measure and mark where you want it before drilling in screws or nails that can match your hardware.


6. Attach the Closet Doors

Finally,  attach the door to both sets of tracks.  You will want to make sure the upper and lower tracks are parallel so that it slides smoothly. 

To attach, you can use a screwdriver or drill with screws/nails in them for installation. The door should be attached on both sides of the top and bottom track so that it cannot move when opening or closing as this is not safe.

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